如果你不做,機會是零。做的話,即使千萬分之ㄧ也是機會 / 愛要耐心等待仔細尋找感覺很重要 / 停損是一種美德,"貪"跟"貧"只差一劃而已 / 如果你接受不到,那你應該不要開始,而不是在開始了之後,才去覺得辛苦,不開心,而妄想去改變事情。/ 你不會作期貨的時候,你就想想撲克牌要怎麼打,期貨就是那樣作。/ 常常有投資人會問 現在適不適合買進 其實真正要問的是 適合買進就真的可以買進了嗎 不要期望得到別人的答案 因為別人的風險不是你能夠所承擔的 也不是一買進後馬上就會飆漲 你把你自己的帳戶損益 交給別人”建議”是很不切實際的 更何況當您得知適合買進的時候 可能只是在幫人抬轎 交易要對自己負責 因為買進也是有風險的
Monday, December 14, 2009
●冷眼 - 分享集:能见底就不危险
2009/12/12 11:54:08 AM
[转贴] 为了子孙后代,为了拯救世界,请大排大放二氧化碳
1. 在大气层中,二氧化碳对于温室效应的总贡献仅仅3.62%, 对温室效应作出主要贡献的是水蒸气, 其贡献占95%。而水蒸气主要是大自然产生的,因此人对全球温度的影响非常有限,人造二氧化碳不是导致全球升温的魔鬼。
2. 地球的温度主要是太阳的周期性活动造成的,地球温度在历史上一直在12-23度间震荡,现在的地球平均温度仅13度,处于历史较低值,温度向平均值回归非常正常,就算今后我们一克二氧化碳不放,地球温度也会上升,人能做的只是了解这个自然规律,做出相应政策调整,而不是与地球太阳战斗。
1. 二氧化碳是植物生长所必需的物质
资料来源:Witter. Proc. Agr. Res. Inst. 21st Annu. Meet., pp. 69-86 (1973).
2. 排放二氧化碳是恢复大气原有的平衡,是正在拯救世界
恐龙的灭绝可能跟当时地球生物圈缺乏一种机制有关,这种机制可以把埋入地下的碳重新放回大气,当时没这种机制,所以恐龙灭绝了,现在我们辛辛苦苦地深入地下,把亿万年前植物弄到地底的煤又返还大气,完成大自然需要的循环,正是恢复大气原有的平衡, 使森林和粮食得以恢复生长,不是在毁灭而是正在拯救世界!
3. 提高二氧化碳浓度有利于发展生物能源
石油是现代工业的血液。美国人均用油量最高达每年3 吨,而中国现在只有300公斤。仅为美国的十分之一。中国要赶上美国的生活水平,人均能耗提高是必然的,不可避免的。因此中印占世界三分之一人口的两个国家能源需求会在相当长时间内直线上涨。到2030年中国石油需求将增加一倍,从现在的3亿多吨增加到6亿多吨。若世界石油需求保持1.8%的增长率的话,到 2030年整个世界石油需求则增加约37%到59亿吨。
然而化石燃料的供给却已经接近峰值,历史表明化石燃料的发现和开采符合胡伯石油峰理论。胡伯是壳牌石油公司的地球物理学家。1949年,胡伯在世界最高级科学刊物SCIENCE上发文提出世界化石能源生产迟早会到达顶峰。(M. King Hubbert, "Energy from Fossil Fuels", Science,vol. 109, pp. 103-109, February 4, 1949),1956 年胡伯提出石油探测的钟形曲线理论。并与美国地质调查局(USGS)合作,分析并预测了美国的石油生产趋势。其预测结果显示,美国本土的石油生产将在 1966年至1971年达到高峰期,然后将持续递减。当时没多少人相信其理论,可后来人们发现其预测非常准确,美国石油生产确实在1971年达到峰值,随后逐渐下降。若把Hubbert理论用于世界石油预测中,那么世界石油应在 2006-2008年间到达峰值,实际上石油峰可能已经到来,全球最大的五大石油商2005 年所生产的原油都低于它们在2004年的生产量,与此同时,北海的原油产量正在迅速降低,在未来七年中,北海原油产量将减少一半。全球约100个石油生产国中有64个国家已经超过生产峰值点,正在一条向下的曲线上运行。虽然随着俄罗斯、里海沿岸地区和伊拉克的石油产量稳步上升,以及像深海原油和油沙这样的新资源的接踵出现,世界可能会出现一次小型的供应过剩,但总的趋势却是明确无误的。全球石油产出将在2010年到2015年或者2020年之间开始下滑。尽管石油产业越来越擅长于从日益恶化的环境中开采石油,世界上已经有1/4个世纪的时间在一年中新发现的石油少于实际生产的石油。从90年代开始,新的石油探明量锐减,平均每年的探明量约为140亿桶,只有80年代平均量的50%。与此同时,消耗量每年在220亿到250亿桶之间,首次出现了探明量低于消耗量的情况。2000年全球发现了16个大型油田,产量超过5亿桶——而2003年没有发现一座油田。科学家推测,到本世纪30年代,每年的石油探明量大约为30亿桶,而按照目前的石油消耗量增长趋势,那时的年消耗量将达400亿桶以上。
考虑到自1970年以来全球石油消费量已经翻番,从每天4200万桶增长到每天8600万桶,这给我们提出了一个严峻的挑战。按照目前的消耗速度,为了维持全球产出的增长势头,在未来10年中,每天将需要增加500万桶石油产出。但从2005年到2006年石油产量增加得很少. 2007年世界石油总产量更是令人震惊地下跌了0.2%。让人感到世界石油峰再次准确地如学者所预言的到来。这种危机涉及到工业文明的存亡,当涉及到人类生存的基本物质出现重大变化时,社会重大冲突不可避免。历史上人类已经为石油进行了至少7次大的战争。石油峰到来造成世界能源短缺后,今后不知会出现什么情况。
可是如果二氧化碳浓度恢复到恐龙时代的一半,即接近0.1%,那么农作物产量提高一倍,全球就能腾出大量土地生产生物燃料,从而解决现在难以解决的能源问题。 这就避免了今后争夺能源二毁灭人类的战争。
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
神 奇 的 26 %
2001-04-13 神 奇 的 26 %
如 果 今 天 你 投 资 1.00 零 吉 买 进 一 只 股 , 明 年 的 今 天 它 的 价 钱 变 成 1.26 零 吉 , 你 会 满 意 吗 ?
如 果 你 是 个 投 机 者 , 你 可 能 不 会 满 意 。
你 会 想 :
一 年 的 时 间 ?太 慢 了 !
如 果 是 一 个 月 还 差 不 多 !
如 果 你 是 个 投 资 者 , 你 应 该 满 意 了 。
你 会 想 :
一 年 赚 26 巴 仙 ? 太 好 了 !
希 望 每 年 都 能 够 如 此 !
我 的 投 资 目 标 就 是 每 年 平 均 赚 26 巴 仙 。
为 什 么 是 26 巴 仙 ?
因 为 我 发 觉 到 这 26 % 实 在 是 太 神 奇 了 !
如 果 一 年 成 长 26 巴 仙 , 今 天 的 1 万 零 吉 :
三 年 后 就 变 成 了 2 万 零 吉 !
十 年 后 就 变 成 了 10 万 零 吉 !
换 句 话 说 : 十 年 就 加 一 个 零 !
十 年 加 一 个 零 , 二 十 年 就 要 加 两 个 零 。
今 天 的 1 万 零 吉 , 再 加 两 个 零 就 是 100 万 了 !
所 以 只 要 每 年 赚 取 26 % ,1 万 零 吉 的 投 资 , 经 过 20 年 就 能 够 变 成 100 万 了 !
而 且 这 1 万 零 吉 的 投 资 只 是 一 次 过 , 不 是 每 年 都 加 注 !
这 就 是 复 利 的 奥 妙 !
详 解 如 下 :
YR Total
0 10000
1 12600
2 15876
3 20004
4 25205
5 31758
6 40015
7 50419
8 63528
9 80045
10 100857
11 127080
12 160120
13 201752
14 254207
15 320301
16 403579
17 508510
18 640722
19 807310
20 1017211
当 然 在 实 战 的 股 票 市 场 上 , 我 们 不 能 一 帆 风 顺 的 每 年 都 赚 26 巴 仙 。
但 是 根 据 我 本 身 的 实 战 经 验 , 平 均 每 年 26 巴 仙 是 不 难 的 。 至 少 我 已 经 做 到 了 !
过 去 如 此 。 希 望 将 来 也 是 如 此 。
在 一 个 大 牛 市 里 一 年 赚 取 300 % 是 等 闲 事 ! 只 要 我 们 有 那 个 胆 量 ! 不 怕 赢 !
举 个 例 子 :
1.00 零 吉 的 股 票 变 成 4.00 零 吉 就 是 赚 了 300 %。
买 进 1.00 零 吉 的 股 票 直 到 4.00 零 吉 才 卖 出 , 需 要 的 是 胆 量 , 不 怕 赢 的 胆 量 !
实 战 中 很 多 人 都 不 能 等 这 样 久 , 能 忍 到 2.00 零 吉 已 经 是 少 见 的 了 ! 他 们 没 有 胆 量 , 赢 都 怕 !
在 一 个 大 熊 市 里 , 一 年 亏 掉 75 % 也 是 等 闲 事 ! 只 要 我 们 有 那 个 胆 量 ! 不 怕 输 !
举 个 例 子 :
4.00 零 吉 的 股 票 变 成 1.00 零 吉 就 是 亏 了 75 %。
买 进 4.00 零 吉 的 股 票 直 到 1.00 零 吉 才 卖 出 , 需 要 的 是 胆 量 , 不 怕 输 的 胆 量 !
实 战 中 很 多 人 都 能 够 忍 这 样 久 , 能 忍 痛 在 2.00 零 吉 卖 出 者 是 少 之 又 少 ! 他 们 有 胆 量 , 输 都 不 怕!
股 市 投 资 就 要 接 受 惊 涛 骇 浪 , 给 你 赢 了 300 % , 再 给 你 输 个 75 % , 你 还 是 原 地 跑 步 。
所 以 我 们 一 定 要 懂 得 何 时 是 大 牛 市 , 何 时 是 大 熊 市 。
大 牛 市 买 进 , 大 熊 市 卖 出 才 有 可 能 亏 75 % 。
大 熊 市 买 进 , 大 牛 市 卖 出 才 有 可 能 赚 300 % 。
那 么 现 在 是 什 么 市 ?
当 然 是 大 熊 市 !
所 以 现 在 就 是 最 佳 的 投 资 时 刻 , 想 要 赢 个 300 % 就 要 选 对 股 !
不 会 选 股 也 是 徒 然 !
那 么 要 买 什 么 股 呢 ?
7.00 零 吉 的 EON 变 成 28.00 零 吉 就 是 300 %!
1.00 零 吉 的 DRB-HICOM 变 成 4.00 也 是 300 %!
相 信 我 !现 在 就 是 最 佳 的 投 资 时 刻 , 想 要 每 年 赚 平 均 的 26 巴 仙 , 就 拿 出 勇 气 来 !
让 我 们 先 把 握 机 会 , 先 赚 个 300 % 。
当 然 ,我 们 的 目 标 还 是 每 年 平 均 26 巴 仙 !
神 奇 的 26 巴 仙 !
用 20 年 的 时 间 把 1 万 变 100 万 !
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Some nice article
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
JT International Berhad’s Second Quarter Financial Results
For The Year Ending 31st December 2009
Second Quarter Results For Period Under Review
JT International Berhad registered consolidated revenue of RM288.9 million for the second quarter ended 30th June 2009, a 10.0% increase as compared with RM262.7 million achieved in the corresponding quarter last year. The increase in revenue was attributed to higher cigarette prices offset partially by lower sales volume. The Group also registered profit before tax of RM40.8 million, a 2.9% increase as compared with RM39.6 million achieved in the corresponding quarter last year due to higher cigarette prices and lower marketing expenditure, offset by lower sales volume and lower interest income.
First Half Results For Period Under Review
For the first half-year ended 30th June 2009, the Group posted consolidated revenue of RM580.4 million and profit before tax of RM85.7 million, a 12.9% and 4.8% increase as compared with revenue of RM514.0 million and profit before tax of RM81.7 million respectively achieved in the corresponding period in 2008. The increase in revenue and profit before tax was mainly driven by the factors mentioned above. JT International Berhad managed to improve its performance, strengthening its market share to 18.3% from 17.1% registered during the same period last year (source: AC Nielsen Retail Audit report). This growth was driven primarily by Value segment leader Winston, which increased its market share to 9.4% from 8.2% registered during the same period last year.
Tobacco Industry Outlook
In the first half-year ended 30th June 2009, overall tobacco industry volume – as measured by the Confederation of Malaysian Tobacco Manufacturers – declined 11.7% against the same period last year. This decrease was driven in part by the challenging economic conditions, which continues to accelerate the growth of extremely low priced cigarettes and illegal cigarettes.
The continued growth of illegal cigarettes will exert further negative pressure on the sales volume of the legitimate cigarette manufacturers. Current estimates are that in early 2009, as many as one in every three cigarette packets sold in
One of the key factors driving the growth of illegal cigarettes is high taxation, and it is hoped that the Government will take this into account and give due consideration to the tobacco industry’s recommendations for a moderate and structured tax increase policy in the future.
Despite the anticipated challenges ahead, JT International Berhad is committed to maintain its competitiveness and to deliver a satisfactory overall performance for the current financial year through continued effective investment behind its global flagship brands: Winston, Mild Seven and Camel.
JTI – Japan Tobacco International - is a subsidiary of Japan Tobacco Inc. (JT), the world’s third largest international manufacturer of tobacco products. JTI produces three of the top five worldwide cigarette brands: Winston, Mild Seven and Camel. Other international brands include Silk Cut, Sobranie of London, Glamour and LD. With headquarters in
For further information, please contact:
Shareen Rahmat
Corporate Affairs
JT International Berhad
Tel: 03 - 2094 9011
Fax: 03 - 2095 0049
JT International Berhad’s Third Quarter Financial Results
For The Year Ending 31st December 2009
Third Quarter Results For Period Under Review
JT International Berhad registered consolidated revenue of RM276.5 million for the third quarter ended 30th September 2009, as compared with RM271.3 million achieved in the corresponding quarter last year. The marginal increase in revenue was attributed to higher cigarette prices offset by lower sales volume. Profit before tax in the current quarter was lower at RM36.1 million compared with RM40.1 million achieved in the corresponding quarter last year; the decrease was driven by lower sales volume and lower interest income offset partially by higher cigarette prices and lower marketing expenditure.
First Nine-Month Results For Period Under Review
For the nine-month period ended 30th September 2009, the Group posted consolidated revenue of RM856.9 million as compared with revenue of RM785.3 million achieved in the corresponding period in 2008. Profit before tax registered RM121.8 million, as compared with RM121.9 million achieved in the corresponding period in 2008. The increase in revenue was driven by the same factors mentioned above.
Tobacco Industry Operating Environment
In the nine-month period ended 30th September 2009, overall tobacco industry volume, as measured by the Confederation of Malaysian Tobacco Manufacturers, declined by 13.9% against the same period last year. This decrease was driven in part by the challenging economic conditions, which continues to accelerate the growth of the extremely low priced cigarettes and illegal cigarettes. Despite the industry volume decline, JT International Berhad continued to improve its performance, further growing its market share to 18.5% from 17.4% registered during the same period last year (source: AC Nielsen Retail Audit report). This good market share growth was driven primarily by Value Segment leader Winston, which increased its market share to an all time high of 9.7% from 8.4% registered during the same period last year.
Tobacco Industry Outlook
The operating environment for the tobacco industry is expected to remain very challenging in the last quarter of 2009. The continued high level of illicit cigarettes will exert further negative pressure on the sales volume of the legitimate cigarette manufacturers. A recent research survey, conducted by the Confederation of Malaysian Tobacco Manufacturers, showed that 36.7% of cigarettes sold in Malaysia are illegal as compared to 25.7% in 2008. Notwithstanding this, JT International Berhad is encouraged by the increased enforcement by various Government agencies to combat this serious threat, and will continue to work closely with the authorities in this ongoing fight against the illicit cigarette trade.
One of the key factors driving the growth of illicit cigarettes is high taxation. JT International Berhad is encouraged by the Government’s decision to impose a more moderate excise tax increase of RM10 per 1000 sticks on October 1, 2009, as compared with an increase of RM30 per 1000 sticks in the last two consecutive years. JT International Berhad is also encouraged by the recent Government announcement during the Federal Budget to allocate higher expenditure to enhance enforcement capabilities.
Despite the anticipated challenges ahead, JT International Berhad is committed to maintain its competitiveness and to deliver a satisfactory overall performance for the current financial year through continued effective investment behind its global flagship brands: Winston, Mild Seven and Camel.
JTI – Japan Tobacco International - is a subsidiary of Japan Tobacco Inc. (JT), the world’s third largest international manufacturer of tobacco products. JTI produces three of the top five worldwide cigarette brands: Winston, Mild Seven and Camel. Other international brands include Silk Cut, Sobranie of London, Glamour and LD. With headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, and net sales of USD 10.6 billion in the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008, JTI has 23,000 employees and operations in 120 countries. JT International Berhad is the Malaysian arm of Japan Tobacco International.
For further information, please contact:
Shareen Rahmat
Corporate Affairs
JT International Berhad
Tel: 03 - 2094 9011
Fax: 03 - 2095 0049
Monday, November 23, 2009
Harta eps record.
Harta eps 2009 = 34.88 sen
2010 - 1Q -EPS = 10.88 sen
2010 - 2Q -EPS = 13.66 sen
2010 - 3Q -EPS = ? sen
2010 - 4Q -EPS = ? sen
2010 full year estimate = 49 sen
如果用我预测少一点,eps 40sen 来算 今天5.72 闭市 PE = 14.30,我个人觉得合理价了
反观 topglove 2009 eps = 57 sen,今天9.11 闭市 PE = 16
如果用 topglove PE 16 评估 Harta eps 49sen = rm7.80 ,那我就发达了
Sunday, November 15, 2009
向Swisscash索回3100萬 受害人明年初獲退款
SC 的网站有索偿 Q&A
Swisscash Investment Scam Settlement: FAQS Q1: | What is the current status of the civil suit taken by SC against those involved in the Swisscash activities? | ||||||||
A: | The SC has entered into consent judgment with Albert Lee and Amir Hassan on 6 November 2009 in which they have agreed to pay the SC in total a sum in excess of RM30 million which will be used to compensate investors. | ||||||||
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Q2: | How soon will investors be able to get their monies back? | ||||||||
A: | While the SC would like payments to be made as soon as possible, there are several steps that need to be taken including submitting the criteria for eligibility to court, appointing an Administrator, posting the advertisements in the newspapers etc. Realistically therefore, we expect the first batch of payments to be made early next year. | ||||||||
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Q3: | What happens now? What steps will be taken now by SC? | ||||||||
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Q4: | How will you decide on the eligibility of investors? | ||||||||
A: | Eligible persons would be those who have sufficient proof of their principal investment and who have not been involved in the scam as recruiters. Where profits have been made from their initial investments, such profits will be deducted from the claim sum. Claimants would have to show documentary proof of their investments in the scheme. Additionally, there will be other criteria such as whether they invested in the scam despite the warnings by the authorities. | ||||||||
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Q5: | How much will I be eligible to receive? | ||||||||
A: | That will depend on whether you have met all the criteria of eligibility or not particularly acceptable documentary proof for your claim. | ||||||||
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Q6: | What proof will I need to submit to the SC? | ||||||||
A: | Please submit proof of your investment with the Swisscash investment scheme, photocopy of your identification card or passport and proof of payments to the Swisscash by way of Telegraphic transfer, bank transfer, internet banking. We will only be able to compensate investors who can prove that they had invested with Swisscash and had lost their initial investment. Claims can be processed and approved speedily if proof is provided to aid the auditors assessing your claim. | ||||||||
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Q7: | I only have photocopies of payment I have made to the Swisscash scheme. Can I still submit a claim? | ||||||||
A: | Yes you may still submit your claim but that may not assure you of being successful in your claim. | ||||||||
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Q8: | What if I do not have proof of payments as I had handed over cash to an upliner? | ||||||||
A: | You may not get your investments back as the payment has to be administered based on the strict criteria. | ||||||||
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Q9: | Why did the SC only obtain RM30 million when the judgment obtained in 25 September 2008 was for the sum of USD83 million? | ||||||||
A: | The judgment of USD83 million was the amount mentioned in the suit we filed against Albert, Kelvin & Amir Hassan. The evidence which we had gathered during investigation indicated that there was possibly up to USD83 million in total investments made by Swisscash investors. So when we applied to court for judgment at the time, we quoted the maximum investments that were made.
If we had been successful in repatriating all the sums we had traced overseas, the figure would have been close to the settlement amount of RM31 million. | ||||||||
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Q10: | Will I get all my money back? | ||||||||
A: | As the SC has a fixed amount of funds to compensate investors, approximately RM30 million, we will need to assess the total number of affected investors who submit claims coupled with the eligibility factors mentioned above. Additionally investors will be compensated based on the amount of their initial investment only. Profits will be deducted from the amount of investment. | ||||||||
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Q11: | I have previously submitted a complaint to SC. Will I need to resubmit my complaint? | ||||||||
A: | If you have previously submitted a complaint to our Investor Affairs department, you will not need to do so again unless you have additional documentary evidence to support your claim. | ||||||||
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Q12: | I invested after the SC's warning was issued on its website on 5 September 2006. Will I be able to get my money back? | ||||||||
A: | There is a possibility that you may not get your investments if you have invested past this date. However, the SC will propose a reasonable cut off period so as to ensure that investors who may not have been aware of the scam are compensated. | ||||||||
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Q13: | I helped to recruit others to join and invest in the scheme. Will I be eligible to get my money back? | ||||||||
A: | One of the eligibility criteria in compensating investors is whether or not the investor was actively involved in recruiting others and therefore be considered as abetting the scheme. Any investor who was also involved in the scheme as a recruiter or an upliner would not be eligible to claim their money back. | ||||||||
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Q14: | What happens to the monies in foreign jurisdictions that the SC was trying to repatriate? | ||||||||
A: | We will not continue with these efforts as the consent judgment is intended to allow the SC to use the monies provided by the defendants for purposes of restitution. | ||||||||
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Q15. | I am a foreign investor. Will I be able to get my money back? | ||||||||
A: | Your claim will be processed together with the other claimants. However you must furnish sufficient proof of your claim. We will however need to determine whether a separate set of criteria is necessary for foreign investors and this criteria will be submitted to the court for its endorsement. |
Friday, November 13, 2009
Wilmar delays China IPO, to invest in Africa
Wilmar delays China IPO, to invest in Africa
Published: 2009/11/13
SINGAPORE: Wilmar International, the world's largest listed palm oil firm, signalled a promising outlook for its earnings but said the US$3.5 billion (US$1 = RM3.38) listing of its China unit is on hold due to its concern over valuations.
The palm oil giant's listing plan was the recent trigger for a rally in its shares, which retreated yesterday despite a quarterly profit that beat expectations.
"We will shelve it for the time being and wait for market conditions to improve," Wilmar's chairman and CEO Kuok Khoon Hong said after a media and analysts' briefing for its third-quarter results.
"We only will list the China operation if it commands better price than what Wilmar is commanding right now in the stock market," he added.
Analysts have estimated that Wilmar's China unit could be valued as by much as 20 times earnings, matching the parent company's current price-to-earnings multiple.
With more than 30 firms eyeing listings in either Hong Kong or India over the next few months, leading to more than US$10 billion in share sales, companies wanting to list have had to keep their hopes for high prices in check.
Analysts have said Wilmar, which has a market value of US$30 billion, has no immediate need for funds.
The company said it was optimistic about prospects for the rest of this year after a one-off gain helped it post a better-than-expected 35 per cent rise in its third quarter profit.
Analysts were less impressed. "Excluding exceptional and one-off items, Wilmar's operating performance in its third quarter 2009 was not as strong as we would expect from normal seasonality," Goldman Sachs analyst Patrick Tiah said in a research note.
"Notwithstanding, given the market's low expectations we believe consensus earnings could rise following the results," he added.
Wilmar's Kuok said the company plans to invest at least US$1 billion in China, Indonesia and Africa to expand its plantations and plants.
The company has raised profits in the last few quarters thanks to its processing and refining capabilities, outperforming rival palm oil firms that depend primarily on plantations.
Wilmar's shares have more than doubled this year, but some analysts cut their ratings after the company delayed plans in late September to float its China unit due to volatile markets.
The listing would have raised around US$3.5 billion.
CEO Kuok said earlier in a statement that he was optimistic about the firm's prospects for the rest of the financial year given the diversity of its business segments.
Wilmar, derives about half of its total sales from China, and owns oil palm plantations and runs crushing and refining plants in Indonesia and Malaysia.
The company, the second-largest on the Singapore Exchange after Singapore Telecommunications, earned US$653 million in July-September, up from US $483 million a year ago. - Reuters
Labels: wilmar, wilmar china
1 Malaysia 阴谋论 (转)
4.)Hong Leong & Public Bank 都心里有数,逐步把资金移向香港。香港资金在境内境外调动是很自由的税务更是区域中的数一数二低。政府很想把华商们的银行吃光,削落华人的经济实力。PB Bank 不断有Bonus Issue就是想把其交足资本快速放大,优良管理让股价高高不下,Kazanah&EPF想吞也要看有没有本事了。
5.)Maxis 的阿纳达也不笨,先下手为强,在前几年把Maxis私有化好从振其内部资金。政府对当年Maxis内部庞大的储备现金虎视眈眈,用Telekom吞掉他是迟早的事。现在又回来上市就是已经看准下届大选有新气象了。
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
饶兆颖 | 05月20日 12:50:45
简单地说,我国法律规定,如果有合理的投诉或有可靠情报,或有理由怀疑某人犯触犯了《刑事法典》或其他法律阐明"无逮捕令便可逮捕"的罪行 ("seizable offence"),警察即使没有逮捕令,也能逮捕一个人。(注:《刑事程序法典》第一附件清楚阐明《刑事法典》里哪些罪行是"无逮捕令便可逮捕"的罪行)
虽然有《联邦宪法》和《刑事程序法典》第28A条款赋予的权利,警方却利用28A条款的例外,不让被捕者见律师。最近被逮捕的政治学者及评论作者黄进发,以及在十五碑警局前的和平情愿者,虽然都在第一时间内要求见律师,但他们的这项权利却都被警方否决了。【点击:警方以煽动罪逮捕黄进发 不让律师援助开快车载走】
这引发了另一个问题:如何监督警方滥用28A条款的例外?在被否决见律师的权利的当儿,是否可挑战警方的决定?如何挑战?对于这问题,马来西亚律师公会已通过一项决议,决定起诉政府和警方拒绝在十五碑警局前被捕者要求见律师的权利。【点击:五律师警局办案被扣留 律师公会议决起诉政府】
“它是你的,你有权诠释” 律师公会将宪法带入民间
作者/本刊曾薛霏 Nov 10, 2009 06:33:59 pm
为此,马来西亚律师公会即将在本周五(13日)下午三时在律师公会推介为期两年的“我的宪法”(PerlembagaanKu / MyConstitution)醒觉运动,以深入浅出的方式,将《宪法》的知识带入寻常百姓家,让大众知道《宪法》是怎样的一份文件,又如何与他们的生活息息相关。
《独立新闻在线》走访了四位“我的宪法”小组的成员——雪兰莪州双威大学学院法律系主任保罗(Paul Linus Andrews)、见习律师梁振恩(24岁)、多媒体大学法律系学生叶恩玫(21岁)和玛拉工艺大学法律系学生娜迪亚(Nadia Abu Bakar,20岁),畅谈参与这场醒觉运动的点滴。
她以联邦法官哥巴斯里南(Gopal Sri Ram)在被控贩毒而判处死刑的李观和(音译,Lee Kwan Woh)案的判决为例道:“在关乎基本权利的条款中,法庭理应赋予最广泛的诠释,反之在一些限制基本权利的条文则应尽可能收窄诠释。”
有兴趣了解更多讯息的读者,可登入“我的宪法运动”的面书(http://www.facebook.com /MyConstitution)、Twitter (http://twitter.com/MyConsti)、马来西亚律师公会宪法小组网站 (http://www.malaysianbar.org.my/constitutional_law_commitee)以及点击Youtube的短片。(http://www.youtube.com/user/PerlembagaanKu)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
(谣言一则)传大众银行挂牌出售 联昌和丰隆争食大饼
作者/本刊翁慧琪撰述 Nov 02, 2009 05:24:45 pm
【本刊翁慧琪撰述】市场传言,身为银行业大亨的郑鸿标或因健康问题,转售大众银行(Public Bank),联昌国际银行(CIMB Bank)和丰隆金融集团(Hong Leong Financial Group)传出对这块“肥猪肉”感兴趣,可能因此触发马来西亚银行领域新一轮的整合行动。
根据最新一期的英文财经周刊《The Edge》报道,银行领域当中盛传大众银行创始人兼现任主席郑鸿标(右图),因为健康欠佳而考虑出售旗下的大众资产。
与此同时,市场更进一步传出丰隆金融集团主席郭令灿和联昌国际银行集团首席执行员纳西尔拉萨(Nazir Razak),对这家可说是国内最有赚头的银行寻求脱手而虎视眈眈。
国家银行(BNM)曾在1999年宣布本地银行领域的整合计划,让国内当时20家商业银行及其他35家金融机构业者,于2000年杪前完成合并行动。结果,国内的银行集团在银行合并计划下,缩小成10家商业银行。后来,在2006年期间,联昌国际银行以67亿元收购了当时业界排名第九的南方银行(Southern Bank),进一步把我国银行体系巩固为九个集团。
再说联昌国际银行在过去数年亦积极扩展行动至新加坡、泰国以及印尼,其中包括收购印尼商业银行(Bank Niaga),加上以67亿元收购南方银行,可以说是耗了一大笔资金。所以,要进一步收复来头不小的大众银行,恐怕纳西尔是眼阔肚窄。目前的联昌国际,想要收购比南方银行资产大上数倍的大众银行,并非易事。至于丰隆集团,他们也是忙于手中的越南扩展行动,况且郭令灿向来是出名不以高价收购,可想而知,大众银行的收购价对他而言,肯定不便宜。
巫统策划的马来族经济独占圈已经完成 70%
下一个就是 PBB, HLB,最后就是云顶集团 LOL
如果 PBB, HLB 不保
拟脱售总值15亿令吉糖业 郭鹤年将让出糖王宝座 2009-11-01 联合早报
赛莫达(Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary)身家高达31亿令吉,在马国富豪榜中排行第7,他也是柔州丹绒柏勒巴斯港口与柔佛港口大股东。
PPB集团的炼糖业务是由独资子公司马来亚糖厂(MSM),以及持股50%的联号公司玻州联土局糖厂公司(Kilang Gula Felda Perlis)负责。
挑起稳定白糖重担半世纪 郭鹤年苦心经营未获体恤
作者/本刊梁志华 Nov 06, 2009 09:34:35 pm
后郭鹤年时代(上) 【本刊梁志华撰述】随着马来西亚糖王郭鹤年(Robert Kuok)出乎意料地在上周五(10月30日),宣布脱售其在马来西亚的白糖业后,这意味着,郭鹤年将拱手让出掌控了超过半个世纪的白糖王朝,卸下“马来西亚糖王”的称号。 马来西亚糖厂占国内白糖供应的50%比重。 此外,该集团还以马币2630万元卖出其Felda玻璃市糖厂私人公司的50%股权,并脱手位于玻璃市价值马币4500万元甘蔗种植地。 同 时,郭氏集团也建议,以马币2亿753万元的价格,把其通过Grenfell控股私人有限公司持有的贸易风(Tradewinds (M) Bhd)20%股权, 卖给Felda全球创投控股。贸易风持有国内另一家主要白糖提炼厂Central Sugar Refinaery私人有限公司。而贸易风的幕后老板,就是著名土著企业家赛莫达(Syed Mokhtar)。 到底郭鹤年从这宗交易中赚了多少,已不再是重点。接下来更关键的是,马来西亚的白糖领域来到了一个转折点,肯定将面临一场重大的重新洗牌。到底白糖领域将进入全面垄断的时代(或被“国有化”,或由“新一代糖王”赛莫达全面收购),还是将走向市场自由化的时代,的确引人关注。 扮演稳定糖价与供应的要角 过 去数百年来,白糖成了人们生活上不可或缺的基本必需品,使得白糖供应与价格的稳定性,成为全球政府都在关注的问题。因此,全球白糖市场到处都充斥着政府对 市场的干预(Intervention),以确保自身国内市场的白糖需求、供应,以及价格受到控制,避免白糖市场过度激烈的波动,最终引发严重的社会动 乱。 根 据新加坡《海峡时报》(The Strait Times)在11月6日的报道中指出,马来西亚每年大约进口100万公吨的原糖(raw sugar),占国内白糖提炼厂对原糖需求的90%比重。郭鹤年大约控制了70%的进口配额,并在三家主要白糖提炼厂中,持有大批股权。 马来西亚政府官员就指出,在1997年中旬爆发的区域货币危机(亚洲金融危机)中,在国内白糖市场持有寡头垄断地位的郭鹤年,尽管当时面对马币大幅贬值的困境,还是把这个难啃的骨头啃了下来,通过稳住国内的白糖贸易,把国内白糖价格稳定下来。 此外,几乎每一年的佳节期间,白糖的需求必定都会大幅增加,引发市场供应短缺的恐慌。郭鹤年旗下的糖厂几乎每年都在稳定供应方面,做出重大的贡献。国内贸易与消费人事务部长依斯迈沙比里(Ismail Sabri Yaakob)曾在媒体上透露,为了避免斋戒月面对白糖因需求大增而陷入短缺的问题,包括由郭鹤年控制的马来西亚糖厂,以及郭鹤年有份参股的 Central Sugar Refinaery等白糖提炼大厂,在今年八月份就提高了20%的产量至每月12万公吨,确保国内拥有充足的白糖供应。 白糖市场生意难做 新加坡的白糖交易商在接受当地媒体《海峡时报》访问时就表示,白糖市场是一个高度复杂的生意,也只有像郭鹤年这样的大玩家,才有足够的实力在国际白糖市场的价格陷入疯狂飙升之际,自行吸纳亏损来稳定白糖价格。 虽然郭鹤年没有说明为何退出马来西亚的白糖市场,不过,根据《海峡时报》引述PPB集团执行人员谈话的报道指出,马来西亚政府不愿提高白糖的零售价,导致这盘白糖生意越来越难做,几乎变成了一笔难赚的生意。 据了解,尽管这半个世纪来,郭鹤年在稳定国内白糖市场的供应与价格稳定上,做出了重大的贡献,尤其是在经济危机与国际白糖市场失序的时候,更是挺身而出。但是,政府在过去的十年来,并没有意愿要允许调高白糖零售价,因为这可能将引发公众的反弹。 对于身为马来西亚人的郭鹤年来说,这些年来他已经尽了国人的责任;对于生意人来说,不可能老是要他赔着本来做生意。况且,郭鹤年在退场之际,还尽了最后的本分,把这盘垄断生意交回政府手中(卖给政府关联机构联邦土地局下的Felda全球创投控股私人公司)。 步入后郭鹤年时代 接下来,就要看政府如何带领国内白糖领域,走出后郭鹤年时代。在这方面,政府有两个选择:其一,是让白糖市场急需保持现有的寡头垄断或进入全面垄断的时代;其二,走向市场自由化的时代。 如果由从郭鹤年手中接过白糖王朝的Felda全球创投控股私人公司继续扮演郭鹤年的角色,那么,一切都将维持现状,白糖市场继续现有的寡头垄断状态,由Felda全球创投与土著企业家赛莫达各霸一方。 以联邦土地局过去多年来,通过土地开垦计划与农业津贴计划,在推动乡村与农业发展,包括稳定原产品供应(尤其是原棕油),提升农民收入,以及把农作下游业务商业化等方面的纪录,要扮演稳定国内白糖供应与价格的角色,应该不成问题。 但是,如果政府有意要整合整个白糖市场,把白糖领域合并在一个单一的旗帜下,这意味着白糖领域将变成一个垄断市场。这里可能会出现至少两种局面,一是由Felda全球创投获得白糖独家垄断权,二是土著企业家赛莫达成了真正独一无二的马来西亚糖王。 |
读者来函 [2] |
作者/caffeinbar 2009年11月07日 2:14 pm
老实不客气的说,马来西亚政府的数据(data) 很多,不过谈起了可以成为"资料” (information) 的,寥寥无几。片面的数据,很多时候,都是政府诱导人民去分岔路口的技俩。
马来西亚人如何消耗糖, 也不可能追上生产的速度。
根据槟城消协的报导 :
“在1970 年代,我国人民每天吃糖约17 茶匙。到了1980 年代,它增加到每天约21 茶匙。进入1990 年代,平均每天耗糖24 茶匙。现在已增加到26 茶匙。”
虽 然马来西亚拥有27 00万人口,可是本地糖厂的生产量,已经年达1.16 百万吨。虽然数据显示人口消耗66% 的糖,可是别忘记,很多糖是由其他食品制作生产进入市场的。比如说很多本地制造的包装水,包装食物都是糖份非常高的。而马来西亚的食品制造业,其实大部分 都出口了。
虽然马来西亚制造糖的90% 原料是入口的,对于代糖,政府控制的非常严厉。更加怪的是,明明知道糖业根本是不可再生的工业(90% 原料入口),马来西亚政府对用很多糖的食品工业,却是青睐有加。当问题是,靠进口原料来维持食品工业, 根本不是一个高增值的工业。 更大的问题还在马来西亚人民眼前。如果大家跑去马来西亚超市,就会发现,货架上泊来的中国、泰国、印尼、越南、菲律宾,甚至于东欧的食品,在价格上把本地 食品工业的成品挤了出去。
马来西亚其实在食品,早已经失去了竞争。现在只等最后一根稻草压垮骆驼。马来西亚官僚政府,在所谓的白糖津贴,到底效益有多高, 根本没有一个科学化的数据。
只要 Felda 和赛莫达在马来西亚糖业上的赚头,不是好像许多亏损的国营“私产朋党化”公司那样,靠国家津贴来制造赚钱的假象,人民才没兴趣知道谁是糖王。
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
商業操作的話,就令人費 解,15億令吉是大數目,脫售令PPB集團和郭鶴年都賺不少。但是, PPB集團並不缺錢;而郭鶴年貴為大馬首富,身價高達307億令吉,最多就是錢。
如果他是因為其他“不為外人所知”的原因,不得不賣掉“祖業”,把“大馬糖王”的寶座讓給賽莫達坐,如果“這背後原因”讓 郭鶴年決定退出大馬商界,這對積極吸引外資的大馬經濟,拼命說服海外公司來上市的馬股來說,都是震撼彈!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
How to claim back dividen
除了填写报税表,还有一个就是borang hk-3。这就是让你claim 股息的表格。
为了方便填写表格,请把该年度的所有dividend voucher集合起来,然后依payment date的先后排列。
Monday, October 19, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
It is the Business that Matters
Over the long haul, stock prices tend to track the value of the business. When firms do well, so do their shares, and when business suffers, the stock will as well. Always focus on the company's fundamental financial performance.
Analyst upgrades and chart patterns may be fine tools for traders who treat the stock market like a casino, but they're of little use to investors who truly want to build wealth in the stock market. You have to get your hands dirty and understand the businesses of the stocks you own if you hope to be a successful long-term investor.
P/S: Look at Hai-O to learn that price tracks the value of the company's business.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Glovemakers shares up on rising demand
OSK Research has an 'overweight' rating on the sector, raising its target prices on some rubber glove stocks
OSK Research Sdn Bhd has an "overweight" rating on the sector, raising its target prices on some rubber glove stocks, in line with recent developments in the industry's spurring demand for rubber gloves.
The local research house organised plant tours to four rubber glove companies last month, namely Top Glove Corp Bhd (7113), Supermax Corp Bhd, Kossan Rubber Industries Bhd and Hartalega Holdings Bhd.
"For Top Glove, we recommend a buy with a target price of RM8.50 from RM7.40 previously and Supermax, also a buy with a target price of RM3.85 from RM2.69 previously," it said in a report yesterday.
"We are also recommending a buy on Kossan, with a target price of RM4.98 from RM4.48 previously as well as on Adventa, with a target price of RM1.87 from RM1.31 before," it added.
While it has revised its target price upwards to RM5.45 from RM4.10 for Hartalega, the research house has downgraded its call to "neutral" from "buy" previously, given that Hartalega's share price has caught up with the valuation.
OSK Research said demand for rubber gloves from the medical industry remains strong, especially from developing countries.
"But glove supply is still short. Since the H1N1 outbreak has been raised to a pandemic level, the governments of developed countries like the US and Europe have urged all healthcare multinational corps to stock up on rubber gloves, which has created short-term demand.
"Over the longer term, demand is expected to come from developing countries like China, India and Russia, which are gradually increasing their use of gloves," it said.
Also, with the US tightening its Food and Drug Administration regulations effective December 2008, the number of glove defects per batch would need to be reduced to qualify for entry to the US market.
This would reduce the supply of rubber glove exports to the US due to the retention of "unqualified"' gloves at the ports and hence create new sales opportunities for the established rubber glove manufacturers, said OSK Research.
DJ MARKET TALK: CIMB Ups Top Glove Target To MYR10.55 Vs MYR9.86
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Top Glove Corporation Bhd (Symbol & Code: TOPGLOV 7113) - 10th Oct 2009
(8 years Historical Chart)
Company Background
The Top Glove group was established in Malaysia in 1991 and is principally involved in the manufacturing, trading, and exporting of latex examination, medical/surgical, clean room, nitrile, vinyl, polyethylene (PE), high risk and household gloves. True to its name, the group is the world's largest rubber glove manufacturer, supplying about 24% of the global market.
The group was listed in KLSE's Second Board in 2001 and a year later it was transferred to the Main Board. The group acquired 60.1% equity interest in Medi-Flex Ltd (a company listed on SGX-SESDAQ) in 2007. Currently, the group has 17 glove factories (13 in Malaysia, 2 in Thailand and 2 in China) with a production capacity of 31.5 billion pieces of gloves a year. The groups exports to 180 countries worlwide, including USA, Europe and the Far East (Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan).
The group also has upstream production with 2 plants in Hadyai, manufacturing concentrated latex and block rubber products. These 2 latex concentrated plants are able to produce 90,000 tonnes of wet latex a year and is contributing about 80% of its in-house latex concentrate consumption.
The group recently reported a 55.5% y-o-y rise in earnings to RM168.1m, on the back of 11.2% rise in revenue for FY09. As there is increasing awareness of safety and hygiene among consumers coupled with Top Glove's aggresive capacity expansion, the group is expected to continue producing good earnings growth over the next few years. Also, rubber glove business is considered a recession proof business, particularly those of latex examination and medical/surgical gloves.
ROE: 19.9%
Average EPS Growth Rate: 30.3%
D/E: 0.31
Gross Profit Margin: 16.52%
Average P/E: 15.2
Dividend Yield: 3%
Fair Value: RM 8.49
Current Price: RM 8.23
Recommendation: BUY
2009 年 12月31号 总结,会将全年回筹加入本钱里,明年从 0% 开始算。
目前现金 5 / 持股 95%
持股 (买入时间) 数量 平均价(水钱)
topglove (06/05/2009) - 6.375
tienwah (11/05/2009) - 1.421
QL (14/09/2009) - 3.299
jtinter (18/06/2009) - 4.351
ksl (12/08/2009) - 1.274
gab (02/10/2009) - 6.840
3A (07/10/2009) - 0.91
目标是每年 18% 增长,持续 20 年。
我会比较注重回筹巴仙率 %,因为 (10000 赚 200) vs (1000 赚 200),都是赚 200, 但是一个 2% 另一个却是 20%
无特定投资策略, 凭感觉,随心所欲,跟风,人买我也买,等等方法
× 策略1:topglove 财报公布后,可能会减持少许,视业绩和股息多寡而定。
× 策略2:KSL 不知道要怎样,已经 -9% 了。
× 策略3:QL 等公布红股 exdate.
× 策略4: 想买一只金融股,想买 HSL,jtinter
× 策略5: NESTLE 从 27 块想买到现在已经 34 块了,都还没有买。
× 策略6: GAB 应该会等到华人过年后再看看。
× 策略7: 考虑买 Maybulk。
Top Glove Q4 profit more than doubles to RM56.8m
The world's largest rubber glove maker, Top Glove Corp Bhd (7113), more than doubled its fourth-quarter net profit, driven by strong demand for its products amid the ongoing flu scare and cost-saving measures.
Top Glove made a net profit of RM56.8 million for the quarter to August 31 2009. Revenue was up 17.2 per cent to RM427.
Its full-year net profit was RM169.2 million, a 54 per cent jump, while revenue was up 11 per cent to RM1.53 billion.
This is also its best yearly net profit since 2001 and its highest dividend payout in nine years.
"The continuing strong profit growth shows that Top Glove is efficient and had adapted well to the challenging business environment resulting from cost-saving measures implemented at all factories," chairman Tan Sri Lim Wee-Chai said in a press release.
The group now had a net cash position of RM177 million and some RM197.2 million cash in the bank as at August 31 2009.
With strong profit growth, Lim said Top Glove is optimistic of its future despite ongoing global economic challenges.
"With a large customer base spread over more than 180 countries worldwide and with a diversified range of good quality products, coupled with a team of dedicated employees, we are confident in achieving continuous growth and good profitable performance in next financial year," he said.
To meet rising demand, Top Glove is in the process of installing additional nine latex concentrate centrifuge machines in Thailand with targeted completion by December 2009.
The glove maker also said it will build its 21st factory in Klang with construction scheduled to be completed in July next year. It now produces 31.5 billion gloves a year and has more than 850 customers worldwide.
Top Glove finances will support expansionTop Glove finances will support expansion
Top Glove Corp Bhd's solid financial position is expected to support its expansion plan and dividend return, said MIDF Research today.
Top Glove, with a net cash position of RM176.6 million or 58.4 sen per share as at 4QFY09, has said it plans to instal 16 production lines at its factory.
The company also plans to construct a new factory, which will house 16 production lines, and targeted for complettion by July 2010.
"All in, a total of three billion pieces per annum will be added to the existing capacity of 31.5 billion pieces per annum," MIDF Research said in a research note today.
"We also believe, stock up activities will also boost orders for medical glove," it added.
Agreeing with this, OSK Research in its research note said, developing countries such as those in Latin America, China
"We continue to like Top Glove for its market leadership of a commanding 24 per cent of the global market," OSK Research added.
Top Glove, which recorded a better-than-expected result, would remained profitable on sustained demand and weaker US dollar assumption when compared with FY09.
MIDF Research said as such, it had raised its financial year 2010 forecast earning for the company by 14.9 per cent, to RM180.2 million.
Top Glove's 4QFY09 pre-tax profit rose 45.4 per cent quarter-on-quarter to RM79 million from RM54.3 million previously, while revenue climbed 14.9 per cent from RM372 million to RM427.3 million. -- BERNAMA
Top Glove to beef up capacity
Friday October 9, 2009
Top Glove to beef up capacity
PETALING JAYA: Top Glove Corp Bhd, the world’s largest glove manufacturer, expects its two new factories to beef up production capacity by 10% next year, said executive director Lim Cheong Guan.
He said the group was in the process of installing 16 new glove production lines in the factories, both located in Klang.
“We will grow organically and add on three billion pieces capacity a year,” he told Starbiz, adding that the factories would be completed by February and July next year.
At present Top Glove has 19 glove factories and two latex concentrate plants, operating 355 production lines with a production capacity of 31.5 billion pieces of gloves per year.
The company’s two latex concentrate plants in Thailand supply 50% of its latex concentrate materials.
“In order to meet the increase demand of latex concentrate for our glove production, we will install additional nine concentrate centrifuge machines in Thailand,” he said. This is targeted to be completed by December.
The company registered a 121% increase in net profit for the fourth quarter ended August 31 to RM56.8mil or 19.18 sen per share from its corresponding quarter last year, due mainly to effective cost control, improvements in glove quality and aggressive marketing strategies which helped to sustain Top Glove’s market leader position.
Revenue increased to RM427.4mil in the fourth quarter from RM364.5mil a year earlier.
For the full year, Top Glove’s revenue was up 11% at RM1.53bil while net profit increased to RM169.2mil from RM110.1mil.
The good performance has prompted the rubber glove maker to bump up its dividend payout by 100% for FY09, from 11 sen per share.
Lim said the company was also open to further increase its market share via mergers and acquisitions, “if there is a suitable candidate.”
Top Glove payout soars on record profit
MALAYSIA'S largest glove maker, Top Glove Corporation, plans to reward its shareholders with a bumper dividend payout of 22 sen per share or double the previous year's, following record earnings on the back of surging demand for rubber gloves.
H1N1 driven: Top Glove plans to boost its 19 factories by opening two more next year, with 16 production lines targeted for completion in Q1 and 16 more by July |
Seen as a natural proxy for the heightened global demand for rubber gloves after the outbreak of the H1N1 virus this year, shares of Top Glove have doubled this year, yesterday rising another 18 sen or 2.25 per cent to RM8.15, versus the benchmark increase of one per cent.
In line with the industry, Top Glove's earnings have been rising steadily as fear of the H1N1 contagion drove orders. For the last quarter ended August, Top Glove's profit jumped 121 per cent to RM55 million (S$22.5 million) on revenue of RM427 million.
Full-year earnings improved 56 per cent to RM168 million while revenue increased 11 per cent to RM1.53 billion. Earnings per share came to 57.34 sen, up from 37.18 sen previously.
Top Glove's board has recommended a special dividend of six sen a share in addition to the final dividend of nine sen per share, in view of the 'good performance and stronger cash flow position' of RM197 million in cash and free cash flow of RM260 million. An interim dividend of seven sen a share had been paid earlier.
The proposed payout was the highest since the company was listed in 2001 and executive chairman Lim Wee-Chai was confident of continued growth and 'good profitable performance' in the current fiscal year.
Malaysian companies have barely been able to keep up with the surge in demand. Top Glove's plant utilisation came to 90 per cent in the last quarter while others claim near full capacity.
Where others are cutting back, glove makers are ramping up, albeit cautiously. Top Glove's 19 factories and their 355 production lines already churn out 31.5 billion pieces annually, but the company plans to open two new factories next year, with 16 production lines targeted for completion in the first quarter of next year and another 16 lines by July.
Even cost increases - owing to higher latex prices - have been successfully absorbed by buyers; with Top Glove having raised its average selling price by 7-11 per cent. Its profit after tax margin for FY09 rose by some 11 per cent - only in FY01 has the margin been better at 11.4 per cent.
Analysts say that its defensive earnings support higher valuations, and Hwang-DBS has raised its target valuation to RM8.50 based on 14 times price earnings.
Mr Lim, who controls 35 per cent of the company he founded, appears to have taken shareholder feedback to heart. It was at a media and analyst briefing last year that he had solicited views, and found a preference for fatter dividends and more bonus shares.
Small by global standards, the glove player's market capitalisation now stands at almost RM2.5 billion. Its free float is some 51 per cent.
Top Glove : Medi-Flex still in the red Outperform Company Update
Thursday, October 8, 2009
- Medi-Flex (60% owned by Top Glove), reported yesterday full-year FY09 core net loss of RM4.6m ascompared to a net loss of RM5.8m in FY08.
- The improvement in earnings was largely due to: 1) lower latex cost; 2) favourable exchange rate
movements; and 3) improvement in cost as the factory was relocated to Banting from a rented factory in
Klang during the year.
- HoH, revenue rose by 34.3% on the back of higher utilisation rates. 2H09's net loss, however, fell to
RM6.0m (1H09 net loss of RM2.5m) as a result of a RM4.0m write-off in inventory and property, plant and
equipment, mitigated by lower finance cost (-83.9% hoh) and lower associate losses (-48.4% hoh).
- Management did not provide any turnaround target for Medi-flex this time round but expects losses to
narrow further in 1H10.
- No change to our forecasts for Top Glove and fair value of RM8.80 (based on target CY10 PER of 15x).